A review by miramanga
Halfway to Hollywood: Diaries 1980-1988 by Michael Palin


It was with massive regret that I finished this book. It turns out it is possible to fall in love with someone through their writing alone. Michael Palin is so immeasurably likeable, charismatic and eloquent in his writing that you can't fail to love this book.

I shared a few laughs with him on this journey through the 80's and surprisingly a few tears. The writing is so honest and warm and open that you can't help to set aside preconceptions and just join in the journey.

Palin appeared in Brazil, A Fish Called Wanda, and is of course a Python himself - reading about these legendary subjects from a man on the inside is joyful, enlightening and enthralling. I enjoyed reading about Terry Gilliam and his battles with the studios, elements, fate as seen through the eyes of genial, easy going Palin.

Two of my highlights

* Michael Palin meeting Roald Dahl. (This happens twice)

* Realising that it was Michael Palin (one of my favourites) along with Alan Lee (one of my favourite artists) who wrote [b:Mirrorstone|1464526|Mirrorstone|Michael Palin|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1298821707s/1464526.jpg|1455426] which was one of my favourite childhood books.

Aww I am a lucky monkey to get my hands on this book! Straight off to the library website to order his previous [b:Diaries: The Python Years, 1969-1979|845223|Diaries The Python Years, 1969-1979 (Palin Diaries, #1)|Michael Palin|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335093212s/845223.jpg|654114] and his newest [b:Brazil. Michael Palin|15926713|Brazil. Michael Palin|Michael Palin|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348887910s/15926713.jpg|21677288]

Cannot recommend highly enough.