A review by tobyyy
Accession by Terah Edun


Fifth book in the anthology...

...and this one fell flat for me. Sadly.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but then when I got to the end, it was like, "Wait a second... what just happened?!"

Edun created a really unique world in this book/start of a series. There are werepeacocks, drunk unicorns, depressed trolls, dark faeries, and a kobold named Gestap. There's also a lot of political "stuff" between the queen witches of the original 13 colonies.

So perhaps with all of that, you can see why I was interested in reading this book and seeing where it was going. However, there were some problems with the book as a whole.

1) It ends on a cliffhanger. Okay, not even a cliffhanger -- it's like... the book just suddenly stops. Thankfully the anthology mentions whether a book ends on a cliffhanger or not, so I was prepared (at least, kind of)... but authors who end books on cliffhangers piss me off on the best of days, since that's basically telling the reader "yeah and now you have to buy my next book to find out what happens, hahaha, joke's on you!!"

2) The plot was... wait, WHAT PLOT? So Katherine is the Queen's younger daughter... her older sister, Rose, dies unexpectedly... Katherine seems to be trying to find out what killed Rose since what happened shouldn't have happened... but then she's trying to learn the ropes as new heir to the queendom... but then she's trying to help her ex-boyfriend find her cousin Cecily... and then...... *scratches head*

3) Katherine isn't really likable. I mean, I didn't dislike her as much as some of the other reviewers did, but... the reader doesn't really get to know her. There was one point in the book where Katherine was thinking that no one knows who she really is, and I was sitting there thinking to myself, "Well, and the reader doesn't know who you really are either!! So far you're a queen's younger daughter turned heir, with weird powers -- but why those powers are weird isn't really ever explained."

4) No character development. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

5) Weird wording, misspellings, missed words -- it was like Accession was rushed to print without being edited at all prior to being published. This wasn't as common as it is in the absolute worst books I've seen, but there were mistakes that were glaringly obvious to me, such as "should of" instead of "should have."

I would be very pleased, though, if Ms. Edun would consider rewriting this (if authors even do that...), because the world she created is a unique one, and if the writing weren't so poor, I'd consider reading the next one in the series. I love it when authors have unique ideas about urban fantasy, since so often ideas are reused with slightly different formatting. But when the ideas are so poorly carried out (including poor grammar/spelling/sentence structure), I'm sorry, I'm not going to go and buy the next in the series. I have too many other books on my TBR list that all have much better potential.