A review by mommasaystoread
Girls of Brackenhill: A Thriller by Kate Moretti


Girls of Brackenhill hooked me completely with the first line of the book - and then it started losing me with a pace that was much too slow for my tastes. The castle is definitely a creepy setting that would have worked much better had the story held my interest all the way through. Hannah is an unreliable narrator, which works well for this type of story, but she's also rather irritating. She comes across as childish more often than not, even the grown up version. I mean, we get teenage Hannah in the "Then" chapters, and I'd expect a teenager to sound childish, but an almost 30-year-old woman should sound a little more adult. There are secrets and things do pick up, but this one wasn't what I was hoping for. I will warn that the ending isn't exactly all tied up in a neat little bow, but then, that sometimes works well in the genre - just not so much when there are other issues already. I guess it's safe to say that this one is definitely not my kind of thriller.