A review by clara_ward
GlitterShip Year Two by Keffy R.M. Kehrli


This collection of 37 stories includes happy friendship tales, explorations of grief, quirky ghost stories, clever poems, and surreal fairy tales. I'll admit, I'm recommending it because a handful of stories grabbed me and stuck in my mind. At a different moment in time, or for a different reader, it might be a different handful of stories. But the path from story to story was full of characters worth spending the time to know, and there were enough surprises and changes in course to make it worth reading the entire collection.

I'll give a shout out to a few authors: Nicky Drayden, Robin M. Eames, Penny Stirling, Bogi Takács, Andrea Tang, and Kerry Truong. However, the story I'm most going to pester everyone I know to read is "The Little Dream" by Robin M. Eames. It’s a fun, intersectional tale of small differences and not always knowing what's what. (Even if no doctor "in real life" is unsure of whether headaches stem from "superhearing or just hypersensitivity to light and sound," most people I know can relate to this sort of daily uncertainty, from doctors and others, about things that aren't so little when they're happening to you.) I also noticed this author and a few others I liked were from Australia or New Zealand, and I'm growing more and more curious about the speculative fiction scene over there. (I don't know if there's any way I could get to WorldCon 2020 in New Zealand, but I'm mentioning it for anyone else who might go!)