A review by cassiesnextchapter
Hope Rides Again by Andrew Shaffer


Barack and Biden are at it again! Sparring with their wit and fighting crime! Will they solve the mystery (and can they still look cool doing it)? Turn off the news and instead, sink into this fun mystery...your mood will thank you!

"Uncle Joe" Biden is fresh off his book tour, and making one last stop in Chicago to see his old pal Barack Obama. When Barack's prized Blackberry is stolen and tracked to the scene of a crime, the duo set off again on a fast-paced mission to track down clues and help the victim. Will they solve the mystery and find the bad guy in time for family dinner? And will they have enough time for some dad and fart jokes?

My Thoughts...
3.5 Stars

Ok, so this second book in the Obama Biden Mysteries was much more enjoyable than the first. Biden was less grumpy than in Hope Never Dies, and his internal monologue had me laughing out loud at times. He's definitely portrayed as a scrappy act-before-you-think, cheesy ol' grampa, whose aging body is trying to keep him from fighting crime (dag-nabbit!). And Barack...ah, Barry...he's still cool as a cucumber. (It's fiction, but you have to keep SOME things realistic!)

The story is campy and full of Biden-isms and gaffes, keeping the mystery comedic. But it also balances that with mentioning things that still need our attention as a country, and has a few well-placed jabs at the state of the current administration. As mysteries go, it passed my expectations, since I didn't predict the ending and the details all seemed to line up to make a believable and thrilling read. In this book, Biden is still deciding whether or not to join the presidential race, so you just have to read this as his last crazy adventure before he did that and the timelines match up! It's an enjoyable and quick read.

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