A review by kiwi_00
Ana Takes Manhattan by Lissette Decos

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
I didn't like the writing which is a shame because I really wanted to like the book.
Things I liked:
  1. Ana juggling dates with various men.

Things I didn't like
  1. Obvious ending-
    Even before halfway, you can tell who Ana's going to end up with and I would have rather that this was a straightforward workplace romance with the enemy to lovers trope.
  2. Ana is a terrible main character- Female MCs do not have to be extremely likeable but she was so annoying.
    Bad at her job, jealous of Gia and making up romantic scenarios between her and a guy who NEVER thinks about her let alone knows that she exists
    . There were so many things about her that should have been explored instead of terrible dates where she doesn't know how to act eg her family dynamic and her friendship with Gia. She's supposed to be in her thirties but she reads like she's in her twenties because she's extremely immature.
  3. Her dates all sucked.
    Getting dressed up and getting your lashes done before your big date only to find out you're going to a rave (not a club) must have been embarrassing and I laughed (at her 'optimism' because what did you expect out a man who is barely out of uni) and then with a different man, accidentally pulling out his grey hair? This quirky, 'I'm such a klutz' behaviour makes her look incredibly silly especially when you remember that she's in her thirties and should know how to act like a grown adult.
    If she's going on multiple dates, let me at least enjoy reading about one of them!! Reading the date scenes felt like I was at the dentist or something equally painful.

And that list of non-negotiables was ridiculous, no one is forcing her to date! I'd get it if it was an actual 'red flags' things but they were silly. 'No earring studs', 'No overly tight corduroy trousers', etc. Her reasoning for her lists did not make sense and I wanted to slap her rulebook out of her hand as it was mentioned

I didn't really like Gia either, but I did like it when
she told Ana off at her WEDDING because she gave the most funky moh speech and then tried to air her grievances with Gia at her WEDDING!