A review by geekwayne
Black Comix Returns by John Jennings, Damian Duffy


'Black Comix Returns' edited by John Jennings and Damian Duffy is a not so much a sequel to their 2010 book Black Comix as it is an update.

This A to Z volume focuses on the amazing African American artists working in the field of comics. From Leisl Adams to Ashley A. Woods there is a wide variety of styles. There are short bios of each artist and samples of their art. In some cases, the artist has a creator owned series, and these also get a paragraph or two within the artist's entry. In some cases, the entry is an essay by the artist. The end of the book has a list of black comics conventions in the US.

I liked the book. The layout is good, the art is great. While it all wasn't my favorite, I found some artists I was pretty familiar with, and it was nice to learn a bit more. If you are looking for more representation in the comics you buy, this is a good resource of people that you can support.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Diamond Book Distributors and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.