A review by vikingwolf
Defense Mechanisms by Amber Michelle Cook


*I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

When the Pulse hits, Janey and Brin take refuge with friends in an adult Funhouse and come under attack. The same Pulse hits the Fae in another world, where a family and workers try to save the house from an Unseelie onslaught.

This is a short novella which you can read very quickly. I loved the concept of the adult Fun House where you can indulge the childish side of your nature without being told to 'grow up'. I also liked the idea of trying to use what was inside the funhouse to aid you when under attack by a group of thugs who are determined to break in and cause damage. It was also interesting to see similar events evolving in the other realm with a group of Fae trying to use all their resources to save themselves from an enemy attack.

Best bit? The plan to trap the invaders that Janey decides on, with that nice touch with the stairs! That was inventive!

I prefer the Funhouse story out of the two parts. It appealed to me as an overgrown kid who still talks to her stuffed monkey toys, and I'd love to see that part developed into a longer story with a longer battle with the bad guys. I wanted to see more of the funhouse and the cool stuff inside it and felt that there was undeveloped potential to it. Think of the funhouses you've visited and how you could use these things to repel invaders! The Fae story did confuse me a little when Verdancy came into it. I didn't quite get what the author was describing but that might just be me. I felt also that things came to a bit of an abrupt end and you were turning the page to see what was next only to see 'the end'.

Overall, this was an entertaining shory story with potential for future development.