A review by misslover
If I Die by Rachel Vincent


WOW!! Seriously.... I don't even know what to type right now. I started this book greatly excited to find out whats going to happen, and then slowly, I read less and less. NOT because it was boring but because there were so many other things I had to do. In the midst of all my real life craziness I felt like a drug addict who had to sneak away in a room, the drug (ereader) in my hand, and just satisfy my craving. Wow, could I possibly understand just how Nash feels?! I even grabbed my iPhone, Kobo app open in hand- reading WHILE at work. To me, that's a book to be addicted too.

Every single chapter piled on the anticipation, craziness, and paranoia I undoubtedly felt. So where do I begin? And how the hell am I suppose to begin?!?

SpoilerBeck, discusting, vile, horrible character. But now that Sabine was off the hook we needed someone else 10 times worse then her right? Well he sure filled those shoes way to well.

There are two people in this story I really wanted involved more. Alec, why was I wishing that he would have been apart of this a bit more. I also kinda wished that some more "chemistry" would evolve between him and Emma. But I get it, how many other crazy things were going on, that I'm sure we didnt need to add to it.

I also wanted to learn a bit more about Lydia. When I read My Soul to Lose I hoped that Lydia would be involved in the series and felt dissapointed that she wasn't. When they broke her out and Kaylee gave Lydia her number I was sure that finally Lydia would call and be apart of something, but she wasn't. So maybe I could hope for the next one?

Nash, *sigh* I always seem to be on the opposite side of these "love triangles" all the time. Is it sad to say that I was heartbroken that him and Kaylee were no longer together? I get it, and I really do believe she is better off with Tod, but I just wish things didn't happen the way that they did. Nash clearly cared about Kaylee so much to fight the way that he did. Even the extremely harsh comments he made to her when he was high on frost bruised my heart, because I knew exactly how he would probably be feeling out of spite. Does any of that even make sense? Regardless, I wish he had somehow came to terms with their relationship being over in a more easier way. But then where would all the drama be right?

Sabine, for probably the first time ever, was someone I was happy to have around. She's badass and everyone can deny it and say how much they hate her, but really we love to hate her.

And finally (to leave the best for last) Tod. I have no words that could even express my thoughts on this guy. The feeling I'm sure everyone has about him is the same and your heart flutters at even thinking about how truly amazing he is. So amazing in fact that I had to stop typing to even think of the great ways and words I could say to describe how I feel about him in this book. But I literally can't. Why does June seem extremely far away?!

Thanks Rachel Vincent, for being so badass :)