A review by bookdeviant
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 105 by Neil Clarke


See more of my reviews on my blog the Book Deviant

Note: Forestspirit, Forestspirit is a story within Clarkesworld Magazine Issue #105. This review is only for Takács's story only!

Two things drew me to this story: Bogi being the author and the title. Short stories, specifically those written by Bogi or Rose Lemberg, often help me get out of reading slumps. And this one was no different.

Forestspirit, Forestspirit is a magical, lyrical short story that features a spirit who specifically says they have no gender. I loved the vagueness of the Forestspirit's person and their background. We got hints as to who they were before they were a Forestspirit, but I felt like I knew them well. I especially loved how they interacted with the boy, and how they teamed up to defeat a common enemy.

One thing I've always loved about Bogi's writing is how magical it feels. I couldn't get enough of it. I read the story within a few hours, and I would have read it faster if I hadn't wanted to savor this story as much as I did. Does that ever happen to you? Where you know you could finish a book or story so fast, but it takes you twice as long just because you don't want it to end? Bogi Takács does that for me, every single time. 

Final Rating: ★★★★★
I love Bogi's writing style, as well as their ideas. I feel so magical while reading any of their stories, and I just can't get enough of them.

Would I Recommend?
I highly recommend Bogi and their stories, including Forestspirit, Forestspirit.