A review by edshara
Two By Two by Nicholas Sparks


This was a hard book to read and to finish. I almost gave up on it quite a few times, however, after waiting for it for over 2 months(maybe longer) to checkout from my library, I was too stubborn to DNF it. I must say the synopsis drew me, I like reading books with Single dads, who are good fathers, but that initial excitement didn't last.

Russell was a disappointing character. He was such a pushover and despite all the red flags and the emotional rollercoaster Vivian kept him on, he continued to be a willing patsy. I understand wanting to work your marriage, but at what point do you take into consideration, your own well-being? As for Vivian, I thought she was manipulative and condescending and I found myself wishing Sparks would write in some wonderful dose of fictional karma. I did however like Marge and Liz, as well as, Russell's parents.

While I hated the first several chapters, I began somewhat enjoying the book around the middle(not sure what chapter). The narration was tedious and it seemed their was more talking(Russell's thoughts) than their was actual activity. It also seemed unnecessarily long(with my settings the e-book was over 1300 pages). Of course in true Nicholas Sparks fashion, the ending was unnecessarily cruel and heartbreaking. I feel he could have done so many other things and all the characters would/could have still ended up in the same situations, as the book came to a close. While I probably will endure the emotional turmoil, that is his writing style again in the future, this is one of the few books of his that I know I won't read again or recommend.