A review by readerreborn
Thieves' Quarry by D.B. Jackson


I read a while back before the first book came out what this series was about and a bit about where it was going. Somehow, either I misread or got bad information, I thought that the events of this book would be tying into the small pox outbreak (which I've now confirmed via the author's website will actually be central to the third book, A Plunder of Souls) and so throughout half the book I thought it was going in a direction it wasn't. It kinda damaged my enjoyment when I realized I was getting something less epic and more formulaic than I originally expected. But don't get me wrong. The book is well written and enjoyable, and now I really can't wait for book 3 since Jackson says it'll be a step away from the formula of the first two books and be more of a personal journey.