A review by jmanchester0
Black Comix Returns by John Jennings, Damian Duffy



This is an art book.

It‰ЫЄs a fantastic art book.

The only reason I‰ЫЄm surprised is because I thought it was going to be a collection of comics - of stories, etc.

But it actually highlights several comics artists and their work.

And their work is wonderful.

The great thing about this is the diversity of the work. There are superheroes, and indie comix, humor, high art, all kinds of stuff.

These artists are amazingly talented.

The trouble is, many of these are really hard to find. Wait, I take that back. They aren‰ЫЄt too hard to find with a little bit of digging; I‰ЫЄm just probably not going to find them at my local library or on Amazon.

Except, I did read Joel Christian Gill‰ЫЄs Strange Fruit from my library about 2 years ago - check it out; it‰ЫЄs powerful, horrifying, and inspiring. Also retrieved from my library - Jeremy Love‰ЫЄs Bayou was riveting - and was beautiful.

I love Afua Richardson‰ЫЄs art! I put World of Wakanda (written by Ta-Nehisi Coates) on hold at my library - she did the cover. And I‰ЫЄm definitely going to check out Genius.

And I just bought Whit Taylor‰ЫЄs Ghost Stories! The first story in this book blew my mind!

And I did read Black, by Kwanza Osajyefo, and which Jamal Igle did the interior art for. (Both of whom are in this book.) I thought Igle‰ЫЄs black and white art was great - and the comic was an excellent commentary on our world.

I wish I could have gotten in on the kickstarter for Is‰ЫЄNana the Were-Spider. Matthew Clarke‰ЫЄs work looks amazing - especially Hardears. I‰ЫЄd love to read DayBlack by Keef Cross. I can‰ЫЄt believe I just passed on volume 2 on NetGalley! (H)Afrocentric by Juliana ‰ЫПJewels‰Ыќ Smith looks interesting. And I‰ЫЄll be checking out C. Spike Trotman‰ЫЄs work!

I may have to get Dave Crosland‰ЫЄs Ego Rehab. I‰ЫЄm also going to have to check out Tony Puryear‰ЫЄs Concrete Park.

Stacey Robinson‰ЫЄs Kid Code: Channel Zero looks surreal. I‰ЫЄm going to have to pick that up for my girlfriend. Also, Niobe: She is Life by Ashley A. Woods.

The essays were wonderful, too. I loved Enrique Carrion‰ЫЄs essay Comics as Hip-Hop. And Brandon Thomas‰ЫЄs You Have to Buy It really hit home. I‰ЫЄm going to be purchasing some of these.

And at the end is a list of conventions and events ‰ЫП‰Ы_dedicated to highlighting and celebrating the black and brown creators, characters, and content‰Ы_‰Ыќ

Thanks to NetGalley and Diamond Book Distributors for a copy in return for an honest review.