A review by kaje_harper
Cloudy Climes and Starless Skies by Alexis Hall


At last we come to a story that moves us forward from [b:Prosperity|22544017|Prosperity (Prosperity, #1)|Alexis Hall|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1403127950s/22544017.jpg|41999500]... slightly. For the most part, this is again the backstory of one of the MCs, this time the aethermancer and captain, Byron Kae.

Byron Kae is a fascinating character, intelligent, yet socially bewildered, alone for much of their life, kind, now-powerful, genderqueer. Dil coaxes them to tell the story of how they were taken from the only home they knew for most of their childhood, in Canton, after their mother's death. Their father finally took notice of Byron, brought them back to England, and set a servant to make a proper English gentleman out of them. But they are ill suited to the life, and pleasing their father is a near-impossible task. They remember with nostalgic wistfulness the week spent travelling on an airship, and the kindness of the ship's captain. And then they meet another kindly stranger, an ex-clergyman, who sets their life off on another path...

This installment showcases the worldbuilding of this universe, and gives us insight into the gentle wistfulness of Byron Kae. It's a fascinating tale, sad in places, and the frame of the story gives the reader just a taste of Byron Kae and Dil together. Not as much as I'd have wanted, but what is there moves them forward together, giving us Dil's loyalty and caring, and Byron's vulnerability and wistfulness. There is a strain of sadness running through the story, but the ending is sweet.