A review by nats_bookventures
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon


Oh okay I just loved this book. Absolutely adored it.

This book follows Shay and Dominic. They both work for the same radio station but have different jobs and interests. This book brings them on a journey of fake dating to real dating and all the feelings and miscommunications in between. Shay comes up with this idea to save the station and her job. Little did she know, her boss would pair her up with someone she cannot stand. Enter Dominic, who at first is so hesitant and refuses to go along with it; eventually he does agree and they create this fake relationship and break up.

This book was great in dealing with sexism in the workplace and how sometimes the lines between hate and love can be so thin. Both Dominic and Shay learn the importance of not letting the past hold you back, but also to share how you feel when you feel it. I am SOOO adding Dominic to my book boyfriends because HELLO how can you not! This author is truly becoming one of my favorites

5 stars