A review by igwill
If Angels Fall by Rick Mofina


If Angerls Fall by Rick Mofina, is a high stakes thriller and a must read...

A finely crafted plot in this police procedural thriller. I really enjoyed this book. It was a recommendation from Bookbub and I am so glad. The base of this story is typical, guy gets away with murdering a child, case goes cold, kids start disappearing again, and police do serious damage control. Here's the thing, this story is fantastically involved, with layers of development. All of the characters are believable and well developed, even the minor ones. This book grabs reader right in the beginning, pulling you into a dark and disturbing child kidnapping. The twists and turns of this roller coaster go on all the way to the end.

POV - There are different pov throughout this story and it lends to the great development. I personally like that and feel that it's done really well in this book.

Let's talk about these players. Tom Reed - reporter fallen from grace due to overzealous reporting and a cover up. He is flawed and just a wonderful character to follow. Walt Sydowski - An all involved, no nonsense, tough as nails detective that's very good at his job. He's a family man who's wife passed away. His children are grown and out of the house. His father is in a nursing home. He is my favorite character. There are other characters that make you want to scream at them because they are just not thinking. The tension builds as each character is introduced adding to this wonderful puzzle. This is why this story is so good. Everyone of these characters and situations are believable.

This book is about child crimes and does get detailed but not to graphic. It is hard to stomach some of it. There are so many other well crafted elements that make it well worth it.

*** I wasn't crazy about the name changing. There's a lot of using first name then last name. Using middle name then first name and then someone else's name. Makes it a little hard to follow.***

The ending is well laid out and not rushed. I was not disappointed about the ending at all. Things were going to go one of two ways and I was prepared for both.

All and all, this is a great detail oriented book. It delivers a well crafted and realistic thriller that will keep you fully engaged from chapter 1. It's a solid read and if you're looking for a thriller, this is a good choice.