A review by minsies
The Fires of Autumn by Irène Némirovsky


I think I liked Suite Française more than this, but I don't have any record of reading it in Goodreads, so I guess I read it before 2011? I can't remember and I'd have to troll back through my book reviews in LJ to find out (which is not something I'm keen to do today, though I guess I might at some point if I feel super-ambitious).

I liked this enough to highlight (or take photos of, in this case, since that was easier than trying to manage a system of four bookmarks) a few passages, some of which really resonated with me because of some personal things that've happened in my life over the past month or so (on pages 190 and 212; not going to quote those just because they're a bit too raw and not really something I want an easily-accessible record of), and one just because it made me laugh:

'What a funny time for a tryst! Really, he would have seen at once that I'm not used to such things. You don't go and throw yourself into someone's arms at seven o'clock in the morning. Really, Thérèse, honestly! It's quite obvious that you aren't cut out for amorous adventures. Set the tables and see to the meals. Leave it to other people to . . .' (page 185).