A review by greeniezona
The Beautiful: Collected Poems by Michelle Tea


My love affair with Michelle Tea continues. To be sure, not all of these poems are brilliant. Some are not much more impressive than my own college years' scribblings. But every now and again there are flashes that strike me to the core. And like reading her memoirs, it's a glimpse at a life I could never lead, might otherwise never witness.

I struggled for ages to come up with a cute little digestible bite that I could post here and not hide behind a cut tag, something that would make enough sense without its context, something to show how witty and passionate she is, but this is the best I could do:

my horoscope said Try Something Different
so i thought i would have many girlfriends
instead of the traditional one.
love is like art
you know,
don't quit your day job.
-- "august september"