A review by magnetarmadda
Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens by Tanya Boteju


I generally enjoyed it, and it was a fairly well done book. I have a couple of complaints, but only one is serious to me: Nima never admits to anyone that she’s still legally a minor, and so there are a LOT of situations I’m sure would have gone differently. It’s important in light of the fact that, for all we know, almost every other character in the book is a legal adult, with most somewhere between 18-24, but their ages are largely unknown. For friendships, I don’t think age gaps are an issue, but with the romantic relationships explored in this book? It could definitely pose a problem, and I really wish that’d been addressed.

The other minor complaints are the few very cringe-y scenes, and the fact that Nima is especially prone to tears with what seems little provocation, despite an early statement that she’s not a teary person.

In general, I enjoyed this coming-of-age book with an unusual standpoint for queer teenagers. It’s by no means a coming out book, and it was nice to read a book where the main character didn’t struggle with their sexuality.