A review by beckymmoe
The Bad Boy's Baby by Cindi Madsen


Series favorite, definitely!

I loved that Cam was a plain ol' Army guy--not a SEAL, not Special Ops, not a Marine--just Army. Nothing wrong with that--go Army! :)

Finally getting together with your high school crush, when done well, is one of my favorite storylines, and this one did not disappoint! It's even better when the object of the crush was totally clueless back then, and is so freaking adorable when he finds out about it :) The playful back-and-forth between him and Emma (especially their trash talking competitions--building furniture, fishing--that they participated in) was a whole lot of fun to read. And watching Zoey whip him into shape as a dad? Priceless.

This book practically had me smiling from start to finish.

Seeing Quinn / Heath and Sadie (and a little bit of Royce, but not as much as the others) was fun too--though if you haven't read their stories yet ([b:Second Chance Ranch|22392977|Second Chance Ranch (Hope Springs, #1)|Cindi Madsen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1443204443s/22392977.jpg|41813500] and [b:Crazy for the Competition|25562838|Crazy for the Competition (Hope Springs, #2)|Cindi Madsen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1458277731s/25562838.jpg|42663820]), no worries--this one works fine as a standalone. Now we just need to find someone for Jay Torres, Cam's old Army buddy. Fingers crossed that he gets the next book!

Can I move to Hope Springs? Surely Emma can design me a snug little cabin too...

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.