A review by audryt
The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint


There's a style of straight-forward writing that on a technical level either deeply impresses me or quickly bores me. In the case of THE BLUE GIRL, I found the writing so distancing and uninteresting I almost didn't make it past the first chapter. But it's not the book doing anything wrong; it's simply the direction I'm coming from as a reader. I have the same reaction to Neil Gaiman, whose books I never finish. What can I say? There you have it.

The story structure is engaging and solid, and the character are nicely fleshed-out. They go through satisfying character arcs and hands-down the best part is the climax, where everything you expected to happen gets turned completely upside-down on its head. It's the sort of ending that leaves you feeling like you've had so much *fun* you'll be bouncing around cheerfully for the rest of the week. For that alone, the book is worth reading.

Four stars for a job well done, in spite of the prose being "not my thing."