A review by ashrocketship
The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story by Peter Lefcourt


This was so, so very deeply of the time and reminded me a lot of Aaron Krach's Half-Life which I read in 2019 -- the southern California setting, the shifting, omniscient third-person narrative, the time period, roughly -- except it had the benefit of being about baseball -- with lots of well-written baseball! -- and having characters I was just generally interested in or intrigued by so I never felt I was losing out by shifting to a different POV. I also laughed a lot more than I would have expected and ended up feeling very buoyed by how hopeful it all felt. I mean, I also have to reckon with the fact that it's 2021 and things are probably actually significantly worse than the world Lefcourt wrote in the early 90s, but isn't that true for most things? (As an... insane aside, I read the hardcover version of this book -- It has the original receipt in it still from a bookstore on the east coast from 1993! It rules! -- but cannot stand that the cover isn't populated for whatever reason, so my review is mis-assigned to the paperback. Thank you for understanding that I have many problems and issues that make me this way.)