A review by exorcismofemilyreed
Teeth by Kelli Owen



This is going to be a mixed review from me. I loved some parts of Teeth, and didn't care for others. This book is different than most other vampire books I've read, but still felt reminiscent of True Blood show / Sookie Stackhouse books (except with a smaller amount of sex).

I feel that the allegory of monsters / creatures being used to represent minorities is a tired trope, and some parts of this book felt exhausting. For example, the direct comparison of using the word "vampire" instead of "lamian" was compared to using the n-word. There are ways to talk about race, sexuality, etc. in horror without featuring people as "other" or monsters.

Teeth was trying very hard to be a political vampire novel, and it fell flat for me several times. I know that it was supposed to feel relevant to today, but it just didn't feel natural at times.

I was very interested in some of the characters, and Madison was my favorite. I also would have liked more time with Max. I enjoyed the setup of seeing so many different characters' POV as lamian or human, and how they interacted with each other, and the world around them.

The ending of the book was a little abrupt, but it was left open-ended enough to continue with the story of this world. Although I struggled with some parts of the book, this was still an entertaining story.