A review by charlestonmes
Honolulu by Alan Brennert


I wanted to give this book five stars. I really did. Unfortunately, it never made it close to the caliber of my five star rated books.

What I didn't like:
-I found Gem's life events a little unbelievable. How could all of her life events fall on to one person??
-It was almost like the author got halfway through the book and instead of ending the story, decided that it would be a good idea to just keep going and going and going.
-What was with all the various characters being introduced only to fade away and then be introduced again chapters later?
-I didn't like that the story jumped around in time. It could be days, months, or years different between paragraphs and chapters.

What I liked:
- Getting to know what Hawaii would have been like back in the early 1900's.
- Learning about the Korean culture.

Overall, this book was "just ok" for me.