A review by fogisbeautiful
Marvel's Thor - The Dark World Prelude by Craig Kyle


I’m not gonna lie: I read this for research :P Since I was/am writing a fanfiction of Loki’s imprisonment in Asgard during the year between the first Avengers movie and The Dark World, I felt like I should try to adhere to canon as much as possible. Which meant I needed to know as much of the canon as possible. That being said, this comic actually was not bad! It had funny moments, dark moments, interesting moments, we figure out why Thor went to Midgard looking for Loki in the first place (which was important, by the way!) and I learned at least the basics about the different realms that the Asgardians rule over and protect, which was very helpful in making the problems of the destruction of the Bifrost and the Rainbow Bridge seem very present and believable. There was also a great (and super creepy!) original comic about the escape of Malekith the Accursed from the pit of Hel (yes that is an actual realm, and yes it is exactly what you think it is). It was a great book to read, not just from a researching standpoint, but also just as a reader.