A review by djotaku
Darwin's Watch by Terry Pratchett


The Wizards are yet again called upon to fix something that's gone wrong in Roundworld. This time the focus is on Darwin and whether or not he writes Origin of the Species and what effect that has on the timeline.

These Science of Discworld books have misleading titles, because they're really about science in our world interspersed with a frame story that takes place on Discworld and involves the Wizards of the Unseen University.

I've enjoyed all these books, including this one. The biggest difference is that the science gets a little heavier here. There were some sections where I just glossed over and I'm a huge science geek. The only other disappointment was that for a book about Darwin, there wasn't nearly as much on evolution as I'd hoped there'd be. There were other interesting topics like time travel and infinity (the latter going a little to deep in the weeds for me), but I'd have preferred to have had a lot more on evolution.

It can be a bit hard to find in the states, you usually have to buy it used off of someone on the Amazon "other options".