A review by jessorella
The Holiday by Jane Green, Liz Ireland, Jennifer Coburn


I received this book as a gift last Christmas, and being that it was too late to read it by then, I thought it would be perfect to read now in the run-up to this year's seasonal festivities.

Well, meh…

This book contains three short stories, all focusing on relationships around the Christmas period. The first story is by Jane Green and it involves a married couple going through difficulties during the "holiday season", as the Americans call it. It explored an interesting theme about marriage over the years, and how a husband and wife can lose sight of who they are and were, and while the husband was quite well depicted in what was a fairly short space of time, I'm afraid I just couldn't empathise with the wife. I'm not sure what it was about her, but when I think about it, I've found the female leads in the last few of Jane Green's books quite difficult to get a handle on. I don't personally find them as likeable as the heroines from her earlier "chick lit" books and I don't know whether this is because those heroines tended to be utterly average, just like you and me, whereas most of her recent female leads are women who often lead very privileged lives. Not sure -- jury still out on that one.

The second story is by Jennifer Coburn and revolves, from what I could glean over the course of the first few pages, around a new second wife who is hysterically obsessed by her husband's first wife and decides to try and marry her off to try and halt her unexplained obsession. After the first few pages I just gave up entirely. The characters were just unbelievable and I'd imagine, if I'd ever laid eyes on one of those "Desperate Real Housewives of the OC" programmes (which I haven't), that this is what they'd be like. I have better things to be reading, so I gave up on this story.

This book was saved (ish) at the last minute by the final story, by Liz Ireland. Focusing on the "black sheep" daughter of a family and her triumph at bringing home her great new boyfriend for the holidays, it is an amusing story about a family who surprises the female lead at their total reversal of behaviour, and her discovery of the truth about who she really wants to kiss under the mistletoe. The characters in this story were much more well drawn and I was happy with the ending of the story. Thank God for this one at the end, otherwise I do feel as if the whole book would have been a disaster!