A review by hakimbriki
The State of the Art by Iain M. Banks


Please play State of the Art by Jim James while you read this. Other than sharing (almost) the same title as this book, it has similar themes: technology's true effect on society and the human condition.

Despite a few of duds, I like this collection. Banks gives us a diverse and overall rich anthology - one full of humor, darkness, commentary, and awe-inspiring moments. There is no indication whatsoever that they all happen in the Culture universe, but I choose to believe that they do.

Road of Skulls - ★ ★ - A couple guys taking a break as they journey toward a "city" that may or may not be within reach. I think (?) it reflect on the futility of certain pursuits. I wasn't too enthralled by it, and I found the characters rather annoying.

A Gift from the Culture - ★ ★ ★ ½ - Interesting tale of a Culture citizen in exile facing an improbable dilemma. What I enjoyed most about it is the main character's internal reflections and the backstory surrounding his exile. Why would anyone leave the Culture?

Odd Attachment - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - My favorite. It's short but mighty, and evocative of early Stephen King short stories. It's about a sentient tree who has a hard time understanding human (or humanoid?) anatomy. It's thought-provoking and hysterical at the same time.

Descendant - ★ ★ ½ - I usually love survival stories, but this one lacked the emotional depth that's often characteristic of the subgenre.

Cleaning Up - ★ ★ ★ ★ - A provocative story that asks the question: How would governments wield alien technology if given the chance? Would they be cautious? Would they strategize with other governments? Banks has a pretty bleak answer.

Piece - ★ ★ ★ ★ ½ - What starts as a rather basic soliloquy on religion ends with one of the most nauseating and shocking reveals I've ever read. My jaw dropped.

The State of the Art - ★ ★ ★ ★ - Diziet Sma Goes to Earth! I really enjoyed the parts where the Culture agents debated if Earth should be "saved" or not. Banks shares pessimistic perspectives on humanity. (with which I agree) and why advanced and utopian aliens probably would not want anything to do with us. It plodded, now and then, and in some ways, it reminded me of some Camus novels (like The Plague) wherein the Algerian perspective is not taken into account at all. The narrative unfolds through the lens of the Culture, which is fitting as it's central to the story, but I would have enjoyed this more if Earthlings played a bigger role.

Scratch - ★ ★ - I get it... stream of consciousness is a good choice, but the story itself feels empty. The author wants us to experience what it was like to live in the UK in the 80s, and makes very pessimistic (again!) predictions on where we are going as a species.

Make sure not to overlook this book as you journey through the Culture series. I guarantee you'll get a lot out of it... Expect a few laughs and ample food for thought.