A review by cheekylaydee
Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs


“When I first read the blurb on the back of this book I thought "Da Vinci Code". As far as I'm concerned not a positive thing. (I got 60 pages into said book and no farther as I was excruciatingly bored). However because of the main character being a forensic anthropologist I stuck with it and was pleasantly surprised.
Yes there is a slight conspiracy theory theme to do with ancient remains that may or may not be that of Jesus but I wasn't bombarded with heavy religious doctrine and corrupt church officials.
It had enough adventure and crime so that the theme was constant but not all consuming. It was more to do with the forensics of the discovery and the implications of which had ramifications in the religious foundations of Judaism and Christianity. This is one cypher themed book that didn't bore me to tears and Kathy Reichs' background in forensics lends a real authenticity to the detailed descriptions of bone formation and the like.
My first Kathy Reichs definitely won't be my last.”