A review by sheramelton
Breakwater by Carla Neggers


The back of the book sucked me in, and the first few chapters made me really excited to get into the story. It started out interesting and suspenseful and I thought that if the first few chapters were that good, then the book must me one awesome read. I was wrong. After those first few chapters, nothing interesting happened at all. There was no suspense, and there wasn't even any romance. Unless you count one kiss and a dance that turned into third base for a split second romance. When I got to the end, I was hoping that the book would at least go out with the same excitement it started with. Nope. The "action" wasn't even suspenseful or interesting. I just couldn't like this book, because nothing really even happened. It was just a bunch of dialog that went in circles over and over again. And the characters weren't anything special either. The whole book was just a very cliched waste of time. And despite the labeling on the spine, Breakwater was neither Romantic, or Suspense.