A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Alienated by Melissa Landers


Slowly I'm discovering that there are so many sci-fi books out there that fit my taste! I have to admit that a lot of fight sci-fi will never be my favorite, but when it becomes more political, has a little more romance and has some more interesting science, I'm on board. When I saw this book my curiosity was immediately there. This sounded like an amazing mix between traditional YA and sci-fi. I bought the entire series and hoped for the best.

I was absolutely not disappointed! On the contrary, actually. I really enjoyed the politics in this book. The aliens and the humans start an exchange program. The humans need the advanced technology from the aliens and the aliens need the human race to get their emotions back (quite literally). However, just like in some real life crisis there are quite a lot of people willing to go very far to keep strangers out and to let fear rule their lives.

At the eye of the storm are our two main characters. Our heroine is an easy to like girl. She is quite clearly smart, she is caring, she is willing to give people chances to become a better version of themselves and even though she thinks before she acts she does carry her emotions quite visibly and honestly. She's not going through an easy time, but apart from a few very human and realistic breakdowns, her fierceness is quite inspirational.

I also loved reading from our hero's point of view. Being in his head gives us an amazing insight in the Alien-culture. Landers clearly put some thought into her fictional foreign planet. She thought about the science, the consequences and most of all she created a social and political climate that fits the characters we get to know. However, she also left enough room for our hero to grow, which means that eventually it's quite impossible NOT to like him and root for him, despite his mistakes and flaws.

I'm really looking forward to reading the next book in the series!