A review by carlylottsofbookz
The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk by Randy Shilts


I didn't read the book until after I had watched the movie, and it was good to know a little bit more about the people in Milk's life--as well as the acknowledgement of some of Milk's less than admirable qualities.

It's hard to believe, but compared to the book, I think the movie ends on a high note. (I cried both times when watching it...) But this book goes further into the aftermath of San Francisco, and the atrocities that were once forgotten for homosexuals were reinstated.

At times Shilts' writing was confusing. He would describe a list of people and how they were related to each other (whose lover they were)...but he would switch from referring to the person by their first or last name--in mid sentence. Maybe this is a journalistic thing (? He did mention how much of journalist he was), but I found it confusing and at times terribly boring.

Overall, this is a good read, especially anyone who wants to get more information that was missing from the movie.

I think to what my friend told me after watching the movie for the first time, "It's amazing that, thirty years later, we are still fighting for the same rights." And it's true....