A review by michellehenriereads
The Call by Michael Grant


My first reaction to The Magnificent 12, The Call would be odd, however, odd in a good way. It was off the wall funny and will tickle many kids imaginations. I had to read the sentence twice when we hear that Grimluk was married with a child at 12 and could no longer be carefree like he was when he was only nine years old. I certainly didn't expect that little odd twist.

The story line jumps back and forth from present day with Mack and three thousand years ago with Grimluk when the problems with the Pale Queen were ramping up. Both story lines have funny moments, though Grimluk's life is by far stranger.

This is an example of when the literary device of an ordinary hero works, because ...

To read my full review go to http://talesuntangled.wordpress.com