A review by tunikaknows
Just a Girl by Carrie Mesrobian


DNF. I have rarely reviewed a book I didn't finish, but for this one, it feels necessary. I got about half way through before I decided I couldn't do it anymore. My primary problem is that the relationships are way underdeveloped, and this is by chapter eight. For example, Rianne's so called relationship with Luke doesn't feel real because there's barely any dialogue from him, and weak interaction between him and Rianne beyond their sex. I can think of one scene where the two of them really open up. Worse though is her interest with Sergei. For what happened to have happened, there should have been more from her perspective as to why she was interested in him at all. Instead, Rianne comes off as rash and obsessive.
As a character, I saw great potentional for Rianne to develop and grow. She had a great many issues (self-esteem, unadressed assault), and I feel it never occurred to her to ask herself why she was acting a certain way. She keeps on in her way but still drags herself (*hard*) for being "bad." Honestly, it's concerning and frustrating.
Overall, the writing felt scattered and unfocused at times, with plot points leading into long-winded and unnecessary monologues that didn't make sense to the story.