A review by lthe7th
KL NOIR: YELLOW by Sek Han Foo, Catalina Rembuyan, Martin Vengadesan, Wong Pek Mei, Zufar Ismail Zeid, Sharmilla Ganesan, Paul GnanaSelvam, Kris Williamson, Subashini Navaratnam, Leroy Luar, Timothy Nakayama, Choong JayVee, Claudia Skyler Foong, Natasha Gideon, Ai-May Chin, Abd Qayyum Jumadi, Sukhbir Cheema


I have no idea that this is the last book of the KL Noir collection. All I know was that this seems to be the most iconic and it has two writers I know so I was curious at what they will come up with. It was also going for cheap as the Popular bookstore at IPC was having a clearance sale.

Man, I obviously did not feel good reading any of these stories. But that's to be expected as I was reading twisted and sick tales. In nearly every story, someone dies. Some shocked me more than others. And some were definitely better written. I think the most memorable one would be French Fries for Aunty Kamalan which is also referred to by the cover.

But the ones that really stuck with me and make me think about how twisted we are as humans are Anai and Happy Family. Anai because it was something that is so prevalent in Malaysian society but it was never fictionalised in that context until now. Though that could be because I haven't come across any. I don't know why but I just thought it was really brave of the author to tackle this topic as it's too painful for me to even imagine it. Happy Family reminds me of the card game for some reason but it has nothing to do with it. I was just so shocked by how it turned out.

The other stories were just as twisted but these two are the ones that I recall every time I look at this book. Besides french fries.