A review by davidhasalife
It's Only a Movie: Reel Life Adventures of a Film Obsessive by Mark Kermode


“It’s a book.”
“A book?”
“Yes, it’s a book by a film critic called Mark Kermode.”
“Mark Kermode? The film critic?”
“Yes, the film critic Mark Kermode.”
“And he’s written a book?”
“Mark Kermode has written a book?”
“Yes, Mark Kermode has written a book.”
“And it’s about film criticism?”
“Well, kind of. It’s more like a series of uninteresting film-tangential anecdotes, with sprinklings of the worst aspects of Kermode’s shouty opinions thrown in for good measure.”
“And it’s a book?”
“Yes, it’s a book.”
“Well, then. Sounds like it’s a book!”