A review by lisalark
The Sunbird by Elizabeth Wein


1) This book is excellent and might make you cry. Read the other books in the series first.
2) Wein is really, really good at different voice, and nails kids/teens, which is so hard to get right.
3) You know how some authors have a thing they have to repeat? Some theme, story, character? Like how a certain (different) currently popular YA author has daddy issues, like bad ones, and ALL her female characters have daddy issues? Well - I think Wein might have a torture thing. No psychoanalysis on why, but yeah. She handles it well, it fits the plot, it's not over done, it's sad, but - yeah. Wein? You ok? You're scaring me a little. Also now I will read all her books waiting for the torture bit. I mean I get that's it's all Greek tragedy sins of the fathers thing with Medraut - but still. I sense I recurring thing she'll keep writing into her work.