A review by brin
Widdershins Volume Seven: Curtain Call by Kate Ashwin


Not that I don’t love every volume of Widdershins something fierce but number 7 is definitely one of the best of the best. With a wonderful and distinctly characterised group of leads at the focus (at the anchor, if you will...), hilarious humour and a fantastic magical Victorian Yorkshire setting there is nothing not to be spellbound by.

Curtain Call marks the end of the first arc in the series and oh does it deliver at bringing everything from the previous six parts together in one hell of a conclusion.

I’m going to avoid spoiling what actually happens but I will say that Curtain Call has you laughing on one page and will be a total punch in the feels on the next. Also, the bird joke took a long time to pay off but was SO WORTH IT I was cackling. Also! Asexual representation! With a main character! I just about died.

I know I’m getting on every friend/acquaintance/person I meet in the street’s case but seriously. Read Widdershins. If you’re toying with the idea I would say that while it’s perfect for fans of Jackaby, Six of Crows and Fables!