A review by bookph1le
The Breadwinner: A Graphic Novel by Nora Twomey, Deborah Ellis


Obviously, the subject matter of this book is intense, but I thought it was handled in a sensitive way--the violence in it was implied but not shown on the page. (Food for thought: it occurred to me some time ago when I was considering whether to let my youngest read another book that dealt with sensitive topics that being able to shield your children from violence and poverty is an enormous privilege. Plenty of children in the world are exposed to horrific violence and abuse, whether their parents would like to protect them from it or not.)

The story was really harrowing and very moving, but I didn't really feel the brevity of the novel did it justice. It's not that I wanted it to linger or anything like that, but I would have liked to have seen it developed more. I haven't read the book this is based on, nor seen the movie, so I can't speak to those. I just felt like this adaptation lacked something.