A review by tabman678
Batman: Blind Justice by Dick Giordano, Sam Hamm, Denys Cowan


Batman: Blind Justice is what would be considered a classic Batman story.

Bruce Wayne is Batman and what kind of justice does Batman give. WHY is Batman the way he is. Something lots of Batman stories have tried to answer and lots give a good answer and I think this one does too.

I think there are lots of things I can appreciate about the story. Some things really annoy me but overall I think this is a really good Batman story. It's consists of three issues Detective 598-600. And it was the 50th anniversary of the Bat and it contains lots of creatives talking about why they pick/love Batman.

It narrowly avoids the "Batman only needs a woman's love to stop being Batman." which I love that it does not fall into. It's smarter then that and has more to say about Batman.

It can be a bit ridiculous at times (rapidly losing money but can still afford opera tickets?) and it doesn't treat the token woman character with any respect, as she is there to fall in love with Bruce, experience tragedy, and never be heard from again.

The framing device it uses to look into his past with a trial for Bruce Wayne is well done.

Really I could go back and forth like this because everything is at least well executed. It can be annoying with the dated feeling sometimes but everything that annoyed me was not enough to not enjoy the hell out of this.

4 stars, if you like Batman this is a good one to read.