A review by dancpharmd
Dead Sea by Brian Keene


The only other book of Brian Keene's I have read is The Rising, but I enjoyed his take on zombies in that book, so I looked forward to reading this. Even better, in this book you get Romero-ish zombies - slow, shuffling hungry undead vs. the intelligent ones in The Rising.

This book paints a pretty bleak picture of the world after Hamelin's Revenge, a virus originating in rats that kills and then reanimates the dead. I enjoyed the main character who filled the "everyman" role quite well. There was plenty of zombie action and not a ton of filler exposition and back story. What back story there was seemed to contribute to the story and was interesting, rather than just taking up space to pad the book out.

I'll admit that I wish there had been more zombie marine life, and the first zombie fish didn't show up until 2/3rds of the way through the book. But Keene's use of human and other animal zombies, including horrific descriptions of all of them, more than make up for this.

Zombie fiction is a tough nut to crack - it's hard to do it without the visuals of a movie and still keep it interesting. Somehow, Keene has a really good handle on this and his zombie books have yet to disappoint me.