A review by ranforingus
Catalyst by S.J. Kincaid


The epic end to a fantastic trilogy! There's not a lot more I can say except: Thank you S.J. Kincaid! Thank you so very much! This series will have a very fond place in my heart forever.

I almost dropped the book to sit on my to-finish-sometime mental shelf, but I'm so glad I pushed through. I thought the beginning, up to about a quarter of the book was moving slow.

Mind you a lot happened in the universe during that time, but it was somehow... more sluggish to read for me. Especially the parts where a 'conclusion' or 'plot-twist' could be seen from miles away, and Tom ignores what's happening and has a 'Eureka!'-moment some thirty pages later... That was a bit annoying, but bearable. The buildup of suspense has to happen somehow after all.

And then things started pcking up again. Ah... The feels! The action! The excitement! The plot twists!

My favorite character Blackburn came back with a vengeance and was even more awesome than in the last two books. Protective!Blackburn made me go squee ^^

Tom Raines unexpectedly clambered up the ladder into my top favorite characters now. I think it was the scenes with Vengerov near the last quarter of the book that did it for me. People who read it will know which scenes I mean :D

I thought the plot was just going to spiral out from then on... Little did I know there was a huge 'What the hell!"-moment that spun out into a fantastic plot twist. I was literally sitting there, gaping at the book when I read it.

And then the author (brilliant, brilliant author) made me do something I haven't done in a long time in my entire reading history.
She made me feel sorry for Vengerov. And not in an 'oh poor villain' way. When I read the last part of the book, I was almost feeling sick with empathy (a very strange feeling to have for a character who I've spent cursing much of the time).

As I was reading through the last few pages, I couldn't help but feel satisfied by the way things were wrapping up. (What eventually happened to Vengerov didn't sit well with me, but it seemed to have been the only way).

The epilogue was... okay. Personally I don't think people will let go of their pursuit for power over one another, but for this series it works surprisingly well. It was a nice little what-if to add to the Insigniaverse.

I once again want to say thank you to the author for giving us such an amazing series and I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.