A review by xanderman001
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Friedrich Engels


Ironically, in some ways, this serves as a better introduction to anti-duhring than utopian and scientific. Bourgeois academics and feminists will always criticize thus book for some anthropological arguments that engels made and Engel's faults as a person and just ignore the validity of his Dialectical arguments that explains the contradictions of early capitalist society, which was built on the backs of slaves; And how this evolution from the late stages of barbarism form the framework for the internal contradictions within the dialectic of capitalist society. But in academia we can't have objective truths because then that would make the academics and the liberal arts as a whole obsolete. So instead we must conjur up meaningless platitudes about "cultural constructs" and point out pointless facts about Engels as a person rather than Engels as a philosopher and Socialist. But I would still read utopian and scientific first to any new socialists because this book has some of the more difficult language in the Marxist canon.