A review by darkpassenger
Pakistan: Origins, Identity and Future by Pervez Hoodbhoy


TW: Will eviscerate your orthodox beliefs
A must read for every Pakistani and this is not an exaggeration. This book explores not only just the seven decades of Pakistan but also charts the territory of how the subcontinent was ultimately divided into two dominant groups of Muslims and Hindus. Also some very popular 'narratives' are debunked superbly by examining their origin in great detail and explaining their history and context such as Iqbal being regarded as a rational 'thinker' however his words clearly indicate his Islamic supremacist mindset. This book should be taught in our high schools instead of the rubbish that the Pakistani state insists on.
We also get what Dr Hoodbhai refers to as a manifesto of making Pakistan compatible with the modern world and I cannot agree with it more. In order to progress it's time for the Single Nation Theory to be widely accepted and implemented. It's time for Pakistan to grow up and get rid of delusions which continue to haunt our nation.