A review by beastreader
The Damsel and the Daggerman by Delilah S. Dawson


I really like this series. I had gotten a copy of this book and started reading it back than but put it down. As I was cleaning up my books, I came across this one again and decided to give it a second chance. This time it was different and I read the whole book. I was once again transported into the carnie world. I could see all of the caravans lined up and envision all of the carnies. Marco has a dark aura about him and it does not have to do with the fact that he might be a murder. It has to do with the fact that he is tall, dark, good looking, and has skills with throwing dangerous objects. Thus the reason it was easy to see how Jacinda fell for Marco. "You play with knives and someone might get cut". This story has me excited to revisit this series.