A review by git_r_read
The Firefly Witch by Alex Bledsoe


I've been a fan of Alex Bledsoe since reading Wake of the Bloody Angel - Eddie Lacrosse #4, in 2011. Starting in the middle of a series isn't always the best idea, but it didn't matter in that series.
Mr. Bledsoe released a book of short stories that are sort of the beginnings and durings of several of his series and I knew I had to have it, especially since it was on Audible. I'll be doing reviews of each of the short stories as I find them on Goodreads as, apparently, the actual collection, Give Them What They Want, isn't on here as yet.
I didn't know anything about this series, Witch Tales, but I am adding them to the look for list now. These three short stories are fantastic. I like the characters, the premise is highly intriguing.
One of the many things I like about books written by Alex Bledsoe, is the music references he uses. I get so happy when I recognize something. Here it's a bit of dialogue when Tanna asks about Ry's name. She says, "As in Catcher in the...?" "No" he says, "As in Cooder." I like Ry Cooder's music quite a lot and this bit made me happier to be listening to the story.
I can absolutely recommend this set of short stories, the audiobook Give Them What They Want and Other Stories of Sharp Wit, Cunning Women, and Wild Magic, and absolutely definitely, the author, Alex Bledsoe.