A review by crookedtreehouse
Daredevil, Vol. 16: Hell to Pay, Vol. 1 by Ed Brubaker


A massive step down from Brubaker's original story, we begin with a retelling of the back half of the Bendis/first part of Brubaker run through the eyes of his wife, Milla. You learn nothing new, and I didn't feel any more connected to Milla than I did before I read it.

From there, the story focuses on Melvin Potter, aka Gladiator, who had a small role in the Bendis run, but was a major character in 20th century Daredevil stories. The Potter portion of the story is fine. I like the ambiguity around it, and that you're not sure where the story is headed.

There is, of course, a twist at the end of the story. And whle it's not M Knight Shamylan bad, it left me scratching my head. It seemed more soap opera twist than noir twist, and I'm not sure I find it believable. I'm about to pick up the next volume and see how it gets resolved.

Overall, though, this was a big disappointment. It's three stars because the story is still interesting, it's just rare misstep in this series.