A review by beckyrendon
Better Luck Next Time by Denise Grover Swank, Angela Casella


It seems like Asheville is the place to be. With a family like this one around, how can you not relocate?

I get automatic acceptance into Dottie's brood upon arrival, right? Because if not, I might have to refrain from uprooting my entire life...might.

Better Luck Next Time is not the first book in Asheville Brewing series but it is my visit book in the series. Arriving late but enjoying the perks seems like Jack and I are similar. This crazy cast and its down home feeling are totally welcoming to new additions, except Jezebel...good luck there.

It feels like friends and family. Each has their own lives, personalities, and drama but they are better as a whole.

It's obvious I've started packing...let me know if you need some boxes. Dottie, are you up for tea?