A review by nutter
Daughter of Eden by Chris Beckett


While this book itself is not the best of the series, I firmly believe you can't review it outside of its role as the closing act in Eden's history.
The series is at the same time unique and easy to read through. The use of language is infinitely interesting and serves the story perfectly. The progress of Eden's history is fascinating, especially when reading how characters in the latter two books talk about characters from the first. This does mean, in my opinion, the first few chapters (mainly consisting of worldbuilding) were the strongest in each novel. The plot was serviceable, with the first being the strongest of the trilogy.

The only big gripe I had with this entry was the loss of narrative structure. While the first two stuck to multiple narrators, this novel used two separate periods of time narrated by the same character. It worked, but I don't think it was as strong as the first two.

The book seems to end off with a few loose ends, enough to give me hope of a fourth in the series, but that probably isn't happening.

I've always wanted to read a series like this and I hope to find more in the future. The history nerd in me was swimming.