A review by michalice
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth


Struck begins with an introduction from Mia giving us a brief description about her and her attraction to lightening. The book then begins with chapter 1, days before the storm then slowly builds up to the worst storm in history.
A recent earthquake has shattered everyone's existence. People are sick and dying, some have homes on the brink of collapsing or no home at all to call their own, The Displaced. Others have taken up residence along the beach in tents, Tentville. Desperate people have turned to The Prophet, who predicted the earthquake moments before it happened and predicts another will happen soon.
Mia lives with her brother Parker and their Mum, their house lucky enough to withstand the earthquake but their Mum suffering from Aucte Stress Disorder. We follow Mia as she copes with her sick Mum, making sure Parker is OK, school and the constant symptoms from her numerous lightening strikes.

I really enjoyed Struck. I love anything that remotely focuses on lightening, storms, earthquakes, and Struck was the perfect read to satisfy me with a lightening fix. I loved the opposing groups, The Seekers and The Followers and really liked how all goodness and light were not necessary the right side to choose. I did feel sorry for Mia, being thrown into it without really knowing what she was meant to be doing, and although I disliked Katrina at first, especially for being deceitful, I did eventually warm up to her, mainly after she was attacked by The Followers. If it would have been me I would have hid in a room somewhere but she came back fighting and I do admire her for that.
Jeremy I was constantly in two minds over until the very end. I liked him for how he was with Mia wanting to keep her safe, but I disliked him for hiding a huge part of him away from her, which ended up nearly costing Mia her life.

Overall I think Struck is a great read, my only problem was the slow build up to this cataclysmic event, but then I felt the actual event went by too fast for my liking.

I did have a quote that I really liked and also found an amazing trailer for the book.
"I should have been the glue holding us together, but apparently I wasn't sticky enough."